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  • You will love Chichen Itza and Tulum, def worth the visit!!! And if you have the time def spend 4-5 days seeing Tikal, base yourself in Flores....
    Glad to hear that you have those other places on your list in Guat!!! I plan on spending a lot of time jumping over to Guat from Honduras while living there!!! Im departing June 4th, finally!!!!! Ive been back in the states for too damn long now, jajaja.. Keep in touch, and maybe whilst you are in the area, we can plan a meetup and have a beer or 20... jajajaja.
    Hey, well, if you read my Marc873 on the move thread in the departures cat. you will get an idea as to why I left etc... I spent the first 2 months or so traveling, and then ran out of money and got a job at a spa in Granada... Ive been a massage therapist for 10 yrs, so I just slid right into my profession, and got lucky that Granada was a gringo enough city that there was a nice spa and enough tourists to keep me busy!!!
    Sorry for the delay on this, I didnt even see that I had a message... It usually shows up in my email......
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