First time traveler going alone- any suggestions?


New member
I'm 17 years old, and I graduated high school in May. I'm taking a year off between high school and college. I want to leave for Europe as soon as possible- the only problem is I'm not sure where to go! I want my trip to be 1-3 months long, and I want to have as much flexibility as possible.

I like to party, so places with an active night life would be great. I also want to visit historical places and take in as much history as possible. Safety is a serious concern, as I am an inexperienced young woman traveling alone.

I speak German almost fluently, and I know enough French and Spanish to get around. Any suggestions on where to go?
I think everyone's different on this one my dear. Europe's one of those awesome places where everywhere is a pretty awesome party, great new culture, etc etc. I say just book it out of here on the cheapest flight you find then plan your trip from there...plans are overrated anyway...


But once you have more specific questions definitely don't hesitate to ask or search through the boards...
Europe can be a great place for sure! One place I would reccomend is Berlin as it seems to have what you're looking for-night life LOTS of history and not just WW2 or Cold War history and you speak the language! Dunno too much about where to party but I am sure others have a better idea.