Only a Few Days...Where to go/What to do? (Western Europe)


New member
Hi everyone, this is my first time posting here , I also posted this thread under the Europe: Western part of the site because I wasn't sure which was more appropriate.
I'm going to London this summer for an internship, and once it's done (early August) I will have about 5 days to do anything I want. Should I stick around London in the hostels? (if so, any suggestions as to which hostels? I'll be staying at Nido King's Cross during the duration of my internship, fyi) Or should I go visit a bunch of other countries? I'd be really interested in going to Ireland/Scotland, down to France/Spain, maybe even Portugal, although I'd rather not take any flights. Any advice would be awesome! And I know 5 days is like NO time but I wanna do as much as possible! Thanks :)
For five days I would recommend you to stick to London and its surrounding areas. There are many attractions near London which can be covered by day trips.

Bath which is the home of Roman baths and many museums, Bournemouth to spend time on beach, Oxford for history and architecture are some of the potential destinations for day trips.

Other than that Edinburgh is also a great spot but somewhat distant.