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  • In places like Nica and Guat, you can call the states from call centers for around .10 a minute, so its fucking cheap, and most of the cyber cafes are set up with vid cams and mics so you could use skype and see and chat with your mom for free... I read your post about chicken busses, and can tell you a LOT about them, but lets use FB since its easier... Cheers
    Funny, I was going to ask you about FB too... I use FB everyday, and its much easier to get info back and forth... Im Marc Correll, and my profile pick is of me walking away, from the back... The phone thing is easy, you buy a basic cheap cell phone, probably from Claro or Moviestar, and then you change out the card in it if you hit a country that it doesnt work, and then you just buy say $20 worth of minutes at a time...
    quick question (that i was pondering the other day) - did u have a phone last time you were down there? how does that work? i just want a way for my parents to hear my voice every now and then, as well as talk to a girl i love, dunno if a 'local' phone i buy down there would work? or roaming charges, blah blah all that jazz. i'm sure i'll figure it out... :)
    what's your last name (creepy, yah!) so i can find you on facebook? i'd love to see some mo' pics!
    hehe hey marc! no worries about the delay, life has cont'd even so :) just read your thread in its entirety, and DAMN! you had some kick-ass experiences, mah brutha! i loved the whole 'too gringo' business in re. to CR - i can imagine there's TONS of tourists there, and after being in a primarily native place like 'nica'... yah, white ppl get super annoying. i gather you're in... charlotte? maybe? i lived in asheville on and off for a couple years... at least NC weather beats MI weather, any day o' da week.
    it'd be super bad-ass to meet up witchya; i'd love a tour guide of sorts that i could kick it with - of course, hopefully i'll be meeting some ppl anyways, but... we'll see what happens, yah? i'm leaving around the 4th o' july - independence day it is!
    i'm not *too* concerned with budget, really - i don't drink all that much.. and having lived in a tent before, as well as loving the thrill of finding safe spots to (freely!) crash out, generally don't spend all that much on 'sleeping arrangements' unless necessary - beaches are GREAT places to fall asleep :)
    hehe mmm big, beautiful, crazy world we live in, eh?

    namaste, blessed b,
    ~ melissA
    hey, thanx, marc! what did you do while you were in nicaragua? did you just kick it, or were you working/volunteering?
    yah... i have very little desire to go to cancun - will probably fly into merida, check out chichen itza and tulum (the whole 'mayan thing' is what originally got me intrigued with this area; i have at least 5 sites that i would like to visit. most everything else you've listed i definitely have on my 'to do' list... lake atitlan, semuc champey, the markets at chichicastenango (or something like that?), and antigua. i would love to be in jungles/rainforests - you have any recommendations for natl parks in belize/guat?
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