The Secret


Staff member
Just wanted to share with you all this amazing dvd-

The Secret
Heres the trailer

It is like a seminar with testimonials, philosophers, teachers, motivators, etc...Oprah has featured it a couple of times (not that I watch her show, but my sister had me Tivo it-Oprah highlights

I attend many seminars and bootcamps each year so this is a refresher for me and it still has been impactful for me.

This is for anyone looking to have and live the very best in life- health, wealth, relationships, spirituality, and to give back.

Many people wonder why bad thing always happen to them. Conversely, many great things happen to many people and people wonder why. This dvd will help break it down for you and show you why.

Take from it what you will.

You can buy this DVD (which I highly recommend) at WholeFoods or many other retailers, watch it online, or order it online.

And just so you know, The Secret was applied and is still constantly being applied to the Tpunk community- from the beginning:blink: .

Anyone seen this?
A friend had me watch that a couple of weeks ago. I've heard the concept taught before, but the video was well done. I don't necessarily buy into the idea to the extent some of the speakers do, but I think there's a lot of truth in it.

It's why you have days when "nothing seems to go right," or you can wake up some mornings in a great mood and have everything come together perfectly all day. What we choose to focus our thoughts and attention on directly impacts whats happening (and how we perceive it) around us. Knowing that doesn't help though, it's one of those things you have to practice and stay mindful of.
Good stuff! :cheers:
Knowing that doesn't help though, it's one of those things you have to practice and stay mindful of

At the end of the day, this is how we will see the results we want.

Thanks for your input!

Many people want to see huge results in every aspect of their lives without taking any action. Then again, many people don't know how to take action.

Personally, I get my hands on anything and everything that will help me become a better person in every aspect of my life. I have many mentors whose material I constantly read, watch, or listen to- daily.

By the way, I was among the 40,000k (?) people at the Learning Annex all weekend and watched Tony Robbins and Donald Trump and many others.

About a half hour before The Donald came up to speak last night, I was sitting in the back row. A guy in a black suit silently came up to everyone sitting in the back row, one by one, and silently whispered- "Donald Trump wanted everyone in the back row to be upgraded to the VIP section!"

Wow! How cool is that??! A classy guy, The Donald is!

He gave me 2 passes (which 3 of us used- Carmen and my bro. First, 2 of you sit down, then one goes back with both passes to give to the third person! you know the trick!).

So there's a tip! Anyone going to the Learning Annex to see The Donald speak, sit in the back row for a full hour before he speaks and you just may be upgraded!

I wiki'd this instead of watching it (isn't it great that wikipedia is making a new verb just like google did)
It decribed the "secret" thus:
"the "Law of Attraction" principle posits that our feelings and thoughts attract real events in the world into our lives" (

Is the idea kind of that if you want something you can make it happen/get it; that people have the power to change their lives through their thoughts? Or is there also a spiritual sort of aspect to it, that through wanting something you are connecting with a universal conciousness or so that can... oh I don't know what. I am a pretty cynical/skeptical person. But strangely also very positive and easily content.
There are infinite paths that our lives could take, infinite forked roads that branch out and out. And everything you do, every path you take, means that the other ones are blocked off. Perhaps permanently, perhaps you can get back there by detour. And the road behind me is just one long line... the path I have taken.
But everything we do or don't do affects our lives, and also indirectly other people and the world. We are composed of layers of our experiences, a result of our choices and actions.

So what I am trying to say, in a very long winded way, is that to me it seems that our perspective is a very important thing. I am very happy with where I now am.
I made a decision more than a year ago that has completely changed who I am. I am sitting here in Europe.
I could be back home, in my second year of university. I could be feeling that I made a great decision there. I would probably be loving uni. I would have grown and changed there too. You can't miss what you've never had so I wouldn't be sad that I hadn't gone travelling.
But I chose a different path. I think I grew more on this path. But that is just my perspective.
Instead of good and bad, I try to think of experiences as being simply * different*. Good things can come out of bad. I had a really bad day at work once that lead to me getting a week off... so I went to Berlin! And maybe it is not always so directly connected, but our experiences and the choices we make influence the course of our life.
I actually don't believe in fate at all, though it might sound connected. Because my philosophy is much more one of personal power to change, to physically chage your circumstances but also change your perspective.

Okay, so I didn't watch the movie, have no idea what the secret is. Maybe what I have been blathering on about it completly unrelated. But apparently it just sparked a whole lot of stuff in my head! It is hard to explain exactly what I mean and feel, and how I see the world. But I love talking about this sort of stuff. I just can never find anyone to do it with...

Ahhh, instead of just sitting here talking about making decisions I am actually going to do something. Or maybe a few things that I have been putting off. Right. Now.
Louse, I think you will like this dvd. I am a skeptic too. I need to be convince of most things. This movie was not one where I had to be convince of as I was more or less in tune with that thinking already.

Spiritual is one aspect of it. It goes through the gamut of things- health, wealth, your relationships, goals, work, family, basically everything.

Everything that happens in your life, you created. You had a bad day at work that lead to a week off. You created that. You decided to go to Berlin for a week and have a great time, you created that too.

Many people are reactive. They choose to let things affect them negatively.

It's raining outside and you tell yourself that it's going to be a shitty day, it will happen. You tell yourself everyday that it's going to be a fantastic day and nothing will get you down, and that's what it will be everyday.

Whether we believe this or not, that is what happens.

Every instance in my life that I put focus on, has happened.

On my first trip, I wanted to meet a beautiful Spanish lady. I literally had a picture of Madaeline Stowe from in my old checkbook wallet.

2 weeks ago, I found in a box my old wallet and in that wallet, I still had that picture! I am married to a beautiful Spanish lady that I met on my last day of my very first trip to Europe! I put that out there in the universe, so to speak, and took action.

Three years ago, I came back from living in Europe- broke. My credit score was 525. If you know anything about credit scores, I couldn't qualify for any kind of credit whatsoever! Everything was in collections because I chose to deal with it when I got home and just deal with it when I got back to the states after a year in Spain.

Right after I started a job, I said at the beginning of the year that by the end of the year, I will have 2 properties (real estate) and a new car. I said that if I got 2 out of the 3, I would be happy. At the end of the year, I had a new car and became a homeowner.

Within the next couple of years, I added multiple properties to that list with none of my own money still.

That year, I also decided to attck my credit- fiercely. Today, everything negative on my credit is gone, with the exception of two stanking little cable and electric bills that were paid, but they just won't remove, and my score is almost 700. The reason that is a big step for me is because for 15yrs, I went with the philosophy of "who cares about credit? I can still do whatever I want?!"

And so, I lived like that not caring about anything financial. All that was important was making money to survive. And though money was good, I just survived because that was my programming.

I have changed my programming on so many levels this past 8 months and I'm glad that I made a concious effort to do so. Better late than never!

I have always been very positive and proactive, but many aspects of my life was out of whack and definitely needed the adjustment.

People need to be careful of their environment. When you choose to be positive or healthy or wealthy or spiritual or comfortable, your environment and people you hang out with will reflect this. That is the law of attraction.

Ever wonder why Tpunks are the bomb?! Law of attraction, baby:cheers: !
Haha that is an awesome story about how you met your wife. But I don't know...whenever I want something in particular it never seems to happen. Whereas when I think it won't happen, then it does! But that is just how I choose to interpret my life I guess. I focus on certain aspects more than others. Perspective, perspective.
And I know what you mean about programming yourself. And we can choose how people perceive us too. I have made a choice to be blatantly honest to the point of making people uncomfortable in the amount of things I reveal about myself. But I am just trying to let go, be a more peaceful person. And I have been having a great few days, better than all the months since that bad day at worked. What happened was that the kids I look after ran away. Totally not my fault, and the parents did not blame me at all, but it really screwed me up! I was physically shaking the next day, I think I had a sort of mental breakdown, and I still get twitches sometimes! Haha and I like to joke about it. Blame the sick aussie sense of humour, the art of self-deprecation.
So the months since then have been a bit crappy. But I am choosing to change. And this has to be a slow process so that when you get there you will stay changed. If you try to do it overnight, you will just be slowly changing back to where you came from.
I like the idea of placing yourself in a good environment. Like hostels! The atmosphere of a bunch of travellers just hanging around...ahhh.

It's sounds like you're really happy with where you are in life. That's great!
I will definately check out the video. I have always been a strong believer in the basic premise that life is what you make of it. Good things don't come to you, you need need to make them happen. I have also always believed that you make your own happiness. It is a conscious choice. If you are not happy about certain aspects of your life, you need to to figure out how to make improvements. It can be done and it may take a lot of work. It may also require that you look long term and be willing to engage in a plan that may not payoff for years, but if you can stay focused, anything is possible.:cheers:
Haha that is an awesome story about how you met your wife. But I don't know...whenever I want something in particular it never seems to happen. Whereas when I think it won't happen, then it does! But that is just how I choose to interpret my life I guess. I focus on certain aspects more than others. Perspective, perspective.
And I know what you mean about programming yourself. And we can choose how people perceive us too. I have made a choice to be blatantly honest to the point of making people uncomfortable in the amount of things I reveal about myself. But I am just trying to let go, be a more peaceful person. And I have been having a great few days, better than all the months since that bad day at worked. What happened was that the kids I look after ran away. Totally not my fault, and the parents did not blame me at all, but it really screwed me up! I was physically shaking the next day, I think I had a sort of mental breakdown, and I still get twitches sometimes! Haha and I like to joke about it. Blame the sick aussie sense of humour, the art of self-deprecation.
So the months since then have been a bit crappy. But I am choosing to change. And this has to be a slow process so that when you get there you will stay changed. If you try to do it overnight, you will just be slowly changing back to where you came from.
I like the idea of placing yourself in a good environment. Like hostels! The atmosphere of a bunch of travellers just hanging around...ahhh.

It's sounds like you're really happy with where you are in life. That's great!

Sorry to hear about the kids. Usually, in situations like this, the root of the problem was created way before you showed up to do your job!
You totally sound so mature and deep for your age. That's good, though sometimes it can get in the way of just letting go. Well, that was my case:unsure: . Good to hear that you're choosing to change and that you want to become a more peaceful person. Very inspiring words. I am a big fan of yours, already-_- .

I will definately check out the video. I have always been a strong believer in the basic premise that life is what you make of it. Good things don't come to you, you need need to make them happen. I have also always believed that you make your own happiness. It is a conscious choice. If you are not happy about certain aspects of your life, you need to to figure out how to make improvements. It can be done and it may take a lot of work. It may also require that you look long term and be willing to engage in a plan that may not payoff for years, but if you can stay focused, anything is possible.:cheers:

I think you'll like it, Jamie. I agree and believe in everything you said:cheers: .

People can decide to change their mental state just like that- *SNAP*! People can go from having a crummy day to "unstoppable" mode in an instant.

For example, everytime I am feeling down and out, I start jumping up and down as high as I can. This will always put a smile on your face and from there, start thinking positive thoughts. This will change the course of your day and forever after, if you choose to make it so.

"What we focus on expands."-The Secret. Mother Theresa said that she would never attend an "anti-war" demostration. Instead, she would attend a "pro-peace" demonstration. It is the same thing, but different. Does this make sense? She understood the "law of attraction."

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this after you watch it, gang!
Sorry to hear about the kids. Usually, in situations like this, the root of the problem was created way before you showed up to do your job!
You totally sound so mature and deep for your age. That's good, though sometimes it can get in the way of just letting go. Well, that was my case:unsure: . Good to hear that you're choosing to change and that you want to become a more peaceful person. Very inspiring words. I am a big fan of yours, already-_- .
Ahahaha I am sitting here laughing aloud to myself. I do that a lot. I have a fan! I want more! And groupies too.
I like thinking about deep stuff, and can be quite mature. But on the other hand I am happily still totally a child. I love philosophy, and I also love jumping down stairs. I like stretching my arms out, spinning around as fast as possible, and then looking up at the sky. This makes you fall over immediately. It is lots of fun. Maybe I should try your jumping up and down as well.
I can think about serious stuff, but I don't take anything seriously.
Me Too! Let's be friends :p

Awesome! I think it's a bit of an Australian thing. I've pissed off plenty of foreigners with this.
Why be serious when you can laugh? Well in Paris some people were getting annoyed.. "aarrghhhh you laugh at everything!!! It's so annoying! Shut up!".. then the next morning... "I woke up to a beautiful sound this morning... your laughter"
That's on my list of awesome things people have said to me. Another was, "If you were a country, she would have invaded you!" referring to an American who didn't understand my sense of humour, got all offended, and started yelling at me... oops.
We should spread the word: Don't believe anything an aussie says. It's sure to be some sort of joke.
I just breifly skimmed through this, but I think I understand the basic premise. And I have to say that I can agree with it. There are days where I wake up and say "Today's going to be the best day ever" and it is, because I didn't let stuff get to me.

Does that have anything to do with it, or do I need to skim some more?

Good lord, I'm tired.
Hahaha...Louse, you soooo crazy:lol: .

Julia- Yes. That is part of it, but there is a lot more. Y'all just have to go and get this dvd or watch it online:blink:
ill probably get flamed for this, but here goes....

the secret is just another 'positivity' marketing tool no different from anything else previously thrown out there to make millions for its creator.

i used to read robert kiyosaki, until i found out he wasnt an investor at all, he was just a great marketor of an idea, and an amazing public speaker. thats all it is.

isnt it common knowledge that portraying positivty,creates positivity, and eventually you get that back. its no secret. is a common sales technique. ever noticed how a smile gets a positive reaction back?

someone else once mentioned back when they were a kid there was a popular book too about the secret- the little engine that could :) lol

another thing i noticed, it focuses SO much on financial stuff. wtf? seriously, do people really think that stuff is so important it will make you happier? ask any wealthy person to measure their happiness, most of them value life far less then those close to the poverty line.

the secret sickens me tbh.
ill probably get flamed for this, but here goes....

the secret is just another 'positivity' marketing tool no different from anything else previously thrown out there to make millions for its creator.

So is any CD or DVD you buy, movie you watch, clothes you wear, magazine you pose in, search engines you use, cars you drive, food and beverages you consume, etc...They just make millions for their creators.

i used to read robert kiyosaki, until i found out he wasnt an investor at all, he was just a great marketor of an idea, and an amazing public speaker. thats all it is.

How would you define investor? If he bought one or two houses and rented them out, he is an investor. Is he not? Because he actually is an investor, owns multiple companies and has many, many, investments in gold, silver, oil, and he ans his wife even own a fitness club in Phoenix. So whoever sold you that bill of goods (that he is not an investor) does not know what they are talking about. My friend in Phoenix actually teaches at his company.

But lets say that he, as you claim, was not an investor or a master investor. Does that mean that he cannot effectively teach others?

The greatest acting coaches in the world: Stella Adler, Sanford Meisner, Lee Strasberg, Howard Fine, Milton Casellas, barely had acting careers to speak of, yet they taught some of the greatest actors we've known- Robert Deniro, Jessica Lange, Robert Duvall, Marlon Brando, Sean Penn, Al Pacino, Helen Hunt, and the list goes on....

Same thing goes for professional coaches like Pat Riley, Phil Jackson, coaches for other famous sports players in any sports league. Their career highlights didn't come close those they've coached, ie...Michael Jordan, David Beckham, Kobe Bryant, Magic Johnson, Tiger Woods, Peyton Manning, etc...

Anyways, that's not the point. Did your level of financial education increase after you read his book(s) or those types of books? His books and programs have enlightened countless millions on working smarter and not harder, and to have and do what you want in life.

isnt it common knowledge that portraying positivty,creates positivity, and eventually you get that back. its no secret. is a common sales technique. ever noticed how a smile gets a positive reaction back?

Yes. But apparently that didn't work in this thread now, did it?

It is common knowledge, sure. Many things are common knowledge, and many people still need help getting on and staying on the right path.

Smoking, drinking, drugs, are all bad for you, can cause diseases and ultimately death. Saving money for retirement. Dieting to lose weght. Getting regular in the gym. Paying off debt. Finding the love of your life.

These are all common knowledge things on how to acheive or overcome, but how many people struggle with these issues and seek help?

There are countless programs/books/institutions/gyms/centers/Doctors practices/professenal instructors, etc... to help people with any and all of these issues (and created millions for all of their creators), but we aren't angry at them, are we?

someone else once mentioned back when they were a kid there was a popular book too about the secret- the little engine that could lol

A timeless classic...

another thing i noticed, it focuses SO much on financial stuff. wtf? seriously, do people really think that stuff is so important it will make you happier? ask any wealthy person to measure their happiness, most of them value life far less then those close to the poverty line.

Where did you read that survey? Are we talking about happier or valuing life more? Having money, or lack of it, shouldn't determine whether one "values" life more than the next person.

As to whether money will make you happier.

Here-This should put the kabosh on that statement
As conducted by research

How bout this. In addition to the 13 BILLION dollars that he and his wifes foundation has already donated to instiutions, research, schools, and hospitals to help improve conditions and education in third world countries, the richest man in the world recently stepped down as the chairman of his company to devote his full time to his philanthropy.

His name is Bill Gates. (Their vision

The second richest man in the world just donated 37 BILLION dollar of his 44 Billion to Bill Gates Foundation for their foundation to give and help the poor, sick, and educate those in third world countries. But don't take my word for it:blink:

How bout this Secret Santa millionaire?

These guys not only value their lives, but all of humanity itself.

That previous video clip that I posted showed 24 minutes of approximately 2 hrs. Have you seen the whole thing? It is not just about money. Did you miss the part on relationships, the woman cured of cancer, how people valued their lives relationships and families more?

Guess what holds MOST Tpunks back from traveling? Do you think that any advice we can give them to attract more money or wealth to acheive not only their goals of traveling, but all of their financial goals, would be ill received?

Think again

the secret sickens me tbh. tis allll about the money.

kinda sad imo

That is a funny video, I must admit. But again, it's not all about money.

Curious. When you pose in magazines, do those videos, and do the type of work that you do.
In all honesty, did you originally (and do you still) do it for the money?

Interesting on how this whole thread was about how that movie is about putting your thoughts on being positive, proactive, valuing your life and relationships, attracting what you want (more money, more time, better health, great relationships, to do what you really want, etc...), yet after all that and even reading the Kiyosaki book, you still CHOOSE to see the negative things.

That is a reflection of your mindset and not the books/movies teachings.

Just curious. Is the glass half full or half empty?

Please do not take this post as being hostile. A friendly debate, if you will.

As I have, since putting up this site over 5 years ago, always strive to come from a place of enlightenment:friends: .
wow! firstly, massive massive post to address.

and im not much of a writer, especially on a topic i know little about, but have heard enough to form my ideas.

in regards to the robert kiyosaki comments- i was recommend his books when i was 17, i went out and brought the entire series. i sat down, highlighted, and pulled out all the points i thought were relevant to me. i spent HOURS pouring over them, the business pages of the paper, property guides etc etc. i really thought 'this is the thing i need, if i put this into practice i too will be happy blah blah"

i brought a computer. i googled his name and obviously, and unfortunatly, found a hater (i believe it was this page, i may be wrong ) embarassed i had been ripped off and had by the books i promptly got rid of them. no, i didnt look around tosee if those claims were real. remember i was 17. i was even more naieve then i am now (yep, i still do believe most of what i see embarassing huh)

although i got rid of the books, i didnt lose the ideas taught to me in them. most of the ideas are basic cookie cutter ways to obtain financial wealth and investments. i agree on that. however, from what i had read- about no rich dad existing etc etc made me believe the guy on a personal level was a public speaker and author nothing more.

ive been trying to find that survey which measures peoples happiness in regards to wealth or poverty. i cant find it. i have no idea where i seen it tbh- maybe mens health? lol anyways, i did find this i know it takes into acocunt enviromental aspects too, but aside from that- the top 15 or so countries are widely known to be of a lower socioecomonic background then canada/usa/uk/aus etc. probably totally irrelevant, but i found that interesting. :)

as for my own happiness, i am the least negative person i know! i didnt choose to see the negative things, i chose to see what was written before in black and white. maybe i listened to the wrong people? but i am certainly NOT negative :)

i just see the secret as a scam. sure, it might help some people. in the same way religion does. positivity is what some people need to sort their shit out. from what i have seen on youtube about the secret angers seems to be marketed to those who seek materialistic things (no i havent bothered watching the whole movie, i seen enough with that crap in the vid i posted)

being positive itself doesnt make money/friendships/whatever come your way. you still have to take those steps. and tbh, the best way to do that, is hit rock bottom and work back out of it.

i dont see how people in the first world who are constantly chasing money and striving for sucess can genuinly be happy. those people are exhausted!! so many people from this site can vouch, the happiest people have been the ones you have seen on your travels in poverty sticken locations.

the most genuine smile i have ever recieved was from a little boy in thailand, sitting in a sewer gutter in some back alley, playing with some crappy broken toy truck, i walked past, that smile he gave me -thats life.

no amount of money is worth more then genuine happiness. i give away ALOT of my money (probably why im never ahead!) when my best mate was murdered last year, all i could think of was his saying " the best thing i can give you is my time" he too gave away most of his money,possessions, whatever. i guess we both knew the real secret.

and its not money.

its life.its time. its all the other random things of interaction.

sorry. o/t now :)

back to the secret. yeah, just not for me. thanks,but id rather have a humbling experiance or a buddhism book. personal prefrence i spose *shrugs*
Positive thinking can certainly go a long way. I agree with that, one-hundred percent. I've also spent a fair bit of time learning how to spin positive thinking into sales and I have spent most of my life learning how to spin positive experiences into religious experiences.

At the end of the day I have come to decide that anyone can make anyone else believe whatever they want them too and that whatever that person becomes convinced of, works for them.

This is the power of positive thought.
This is the power of mental manipulation.

Two oh so different phrases, with very different connotations and yet they mean the very same thing.

It is all in what you choose to believe.
It is all in what you choose to see.

Financially, the man I admire most, has come upon a rough spot. How do I know he will make it out on top?
Positive thinking.

Spiritually, I have hit a rough spot. How do I know that everything will get sorted?
It's all about having open eyes to see.

Life has an interesting way of turning us around and our worldviews are what pull us through it. I am not against bottling a mental manipulation whether it be self-made or made for the masses.

At the end of the day I have come to decide that anyone can make anyone else believe whatever they want them too and that whatever that person becomes convinced of, works for them.

While I've said that twice, I will add this. You can convince yourself to believe anything, just the same as if I was selling it to you.

It's the foundation for the imagineers at Disney. Fantasy into reality.

Forget about it. ABC.